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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


The most effectual faith in God is not that which takes the form of the intellectual proposition that He is a mighty personal being, ruling the universe from some invisible throne at its centre; but it is faith in the goodness, the truth, the right, the love which He is. Then the soul connects by natural channels of communication with the very springs of divine life, and draws therefrom inexhaustible supplies.


There is sunshine reflected from a happy and contented mind as really as from solar rays, and this mental light is universally recognized, and its rays bring warmth and beauty, stimulating all within the range of its influence, and quickening into growth germs of goodness that had long lain dormant. Some humble heart is able thus to lift the veil of despondency that has thrown its shadows athwart the mind and shut out its own sunlight and eclipsed the light for its neighbor.


The power of will should be exercised only by the highest faculties and curbed by the sentiments, or it will hold the reins and misguide the judgment, and let loose the propensities. To guard and govern the thoughts is the province of the higher faculties that alone act upon the body beneficially.


The higher the order of intellect with which one is brought in contact, the less one has to fear ; true goodness is all charity, and true genius is the least presumptuous. The belief that guardian spirits hover around the paths of men covers a mighty truth ; for every beautiful, and good and pure thought which the heart holds, is an angel of mercy, purifying and guarding the life.


Nerves are neither the source of pain nor of pleasure. We may suffer or enjoy without nerves, as in dreams, and that pain or that pleasure is not communicated through a nerve.

"Washington was born about three hundred yards from Pope's Creek (which runs easterly), half a mile from its entrance to the Potomac river, Westmoreland County, Virginia, in that district of the State designated the Northern Neck. This memorable spot is thirty-six miles from Fredericksburg, fifty-nine from the mouth of Rappahannock river, eighty miles from Washington city, and sixty-six miles from Mount Vernon.


Dear Reader : Did you ever notice the almost constant anxiety under which a fond mother brings up her offspring? How two-year-old Johnny must not stand near the window, for fear the little fellow might get cold in his head. How Susy, his sister, must not remain in the open doorway after "playing tag," lest she cool off too quickly, and get the croup.


''A fisherman upturned a great haul of fish. He managed by a skillful handling of his net to retain all the large fish and draw them ashore, but he could not prevent the small fish from falling back through the meshes of the net into the sea.


"One Lord, one faith, one baptism. " Eph.


Said a lady: "This is an age of miracles; if I was as sick as I thought, what cured me? I live just as near God as any one can. I prayed him unceasingly to cure me, and I was not healed.