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From the October 1883 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear Reader.—As we send to you by this paper many a hint and suggestion of "Christian Science," many a statement of its truth, as yet but faintly comprehended, (and which never would have been, but for the untiring energy, the self-sacrificing toil, the divine perseverance of some one), and many a demonstration supported by living witnesses, we would call your attention to the time, the cost, the years of unrequited labor, the patience, the moral courage, the unwearied zeal, and immortal love that some one has exercised, that some one has been true to, that some one has been bravely brave in defending, and that some one has worked to bless, not themselves alone, but all mankind.

Think you that this rounded thought, viz. "Christian Science," that to-day is healing the sick, restoring harmony and health beyond all other methods, dissipating infirmities and deformities, reforming the sinner, and bringing out the truer and higher idea of God, a good man,—was the result of a day's labor, or an hour's contemplation?

We can tell you, No.

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