Being an Evolutionist, at least in the study of disease, I would bring forward some thoughts on the subject. Wherein does the Truth—Evolution in Disease— clash with the Truth of The Word of God? Wherein is it dishonoring to God? I am from conviction a Believer in the Bible, as well as having been brought up in "The faith; "but I am from observation and conviction, an Evolutionist also, as regards Evolution in Disease.
If, bowing with all reverence before the Great Creator, we might use degrees of comparison in reference to His handiworks, I would ask, Which is easier to the Almighty, Creation out of Nothing— we cannot, as finite beings, understand that,—or Creation by Evolution from something previously existing? Evolution going on as differentiations distance from the Unity—the first ancestral starting— going on continuously even to the Evolution of something quite New; something, so unlike the ancestral first beginning, that in the distance of differentiations the likeness is almost lost; so faint, it may be, as only to be traced by the utmost care, the most studied diligence; a care and diligence which will be rewarded by discovery of the sons et origo.
In humility and reverence I have approached and worked up this subject of Evolution in Disease, never forgetting that in all I God discern,—that "His is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory," —that "The Lord our Maker" is The Maker; and the result is, that I am constrained to say, "O come, let us worship and fall down, and kneel before The Lord our Maker,"—and to acknowledge that there is one God, and Father of all, who is above all, and in all, and through all— who filleth all things.