Dear Editor:—Allow me a few words on what "Christian Science" has done for me. I had been an invalid for nearly five years, with nervous prostration. I was fretful and peevish, and thought I had a right to be, because of my disease. But when I was restored by "Christian Science," I was healed, mind and body. I wish everybody would prove for themselves, on the principle you lay down, the supremecy of Spirit, and know how to control the body through mind. There is nothing that brings us so near to God as to understand that man is (and it should be made to appear that he is) God's own likeness. We ought to feel it a duty, as well as a privilege to cast as good a reflection of Him, as we are at present able to do; and we must strive to do this if we accomplish it. Sin or sickness is very far from the true likeness. Talking with a lady a short time ago. I told her we could resist a thought of sickness, and so prevent its effect on the body, as well as a temptation to sin; and it was just as much our duty to do the one as the other. She thought it too much trouble to keep fighting all the time, and preferred the arm of flesh and the medicine bottle, instead of the power of Truth, to heal her. If she knew that contending against thoughts of sickness free us from other error, and brings with it eternal results, I think she would do it and win what I have won, health; and more, love for God and man.