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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

What does Spirit do in our lives?

At those times when we feel up against a brick wall—whether in a relationship, with a work issue, or with a health concern—what good does it do to realize and understand what Spirit, or God, is already and always doing?    As a starting point, Spirit, a biblical name for God, creates, governs, and maintains all that is spiritual, all that is real. That includes each of us as spiritual offspring of God.

“Evidence of things not seen”

It’s a question we may want to ask ourselves often: Are we going to accept what we think we’re seeing and react accordingly? Or, are we going to give our attention to what really matters but may be unseen at the time?  Circumstances or news of the day may elicit any number of reactions, including discouragement, sadness, frustration, disgust, fear, and even outrage. But many have found throughout the ages that having faith in what may not be readily apparent at a point in time—faith and conviction in the goodness of divine Life, God—can have profound and healing effects.

Why Christian Science is a discovered Science

A young child just learning what sums are doesn’t realize they’re being introduced to the principle of addition, and the science of mathematics. Whatever is based in science is governed by principles or laws, be it music, tennis, or nuclear physics, and so on.

A liberating harmony for us all

While remaining alert to the inequities between men and women that still need addressing, and committed to overcoming them, it’s worth noting a male/female unity that’s forever friction-free. Christian Science reveals the seamless blending of the masculine and feminine in God’s nature and describes God as Father-Mother.

At the source

At this very moment, the source of all good for everyone, of each generation, is at hand. And all can know it—can know God and feel the power of divine Love.

A heart on fire

The weekend of a friend’s wedding, the Christian Science Sunday church service was on the subject “Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced. ” The service had been listed in the weekend program as one of the events, so two members of the wedding party who knew nothing about Christian Science decided to check it out.

We, too, can rise

“He is risen!”  This was a vital greeting to early Christians. Vital as in “essential,” but also alive, energizing, inspiring.

What the seer sees

The Bible book of Judges tells of Deborah, an outstanding woman living in Israel, when the Israelites had been in captivity for twenty years. Deborah was a prophet, or seer; one who perceives reality as spiritual.

Spiritual exploration—and healing

Questions open the door to wonderful things. For example, for mankind to go to the moon, the quest had to start with questions: Is it possible? How can we do it? Clearly, the answers were there and we went to the moon.

Our new birth, moment by moment

I recently had a thought-provoking chat on a cab ride to church.   The subject of spirituality came up, and it turned out that my driver was an earnest believer in reincarnation.