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Awakening to good

From the August 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

“What if everything is actually OK?” This question was arresting. Things sure didn’t feel OK. In fact, they seemed rather hopeless with no resolution in sight. But as I prayed, the question came suddenly—and stopped the spiraling. I saw new possibilities open up. It felt like my prayer had been answered.

When we’re mired in some difficulty, it might feel counterintuitive to consider that all is actually well. It might even seem downright ignorant or that we are burying our head in the sand. Yet studying Christian Science, we begin to see things more from the standpoint of spiritual sense—“a conscious, constant capacity to understand God” (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 209)—and we start to glimpse that the evidence of the physical senses isn’t the reliable testimony it claims to be. 

When we discern life more spiritually, we begin to understand Spirit as the source of all good, the rock-solid foundation that is God. Knowing our lives are secure in God—the divine Principle, Love—we awaken to new, expansive thinking. To human sense, circumstances may look bleak or options may feel limited. Yet as we turn to Spirit, God, the urgency we often feel from material impressions dissolves. Spirit shows us infinite possibilities of good. Turning thought to God, our perspective shifts to what infinite Spirit sees, and we break through the dream of life as material. New views surprise us. 

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