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Testimonies of Healing

Deep cut on foot healed

From the August 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Each day brings added proofs that God is indeed “our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble,” as the psalmist described (Psalms 46:1). This was evident last summer after I accidently deeply cut my foot on thick broken glass left outside a store when I was wearing thin-soled flip-flops. Several strangers kindly offered various types of assistance. Three of them called 911 for emergency medical assistance, but ended their calls when I assured them I would seek appropriate care immediately. 

I had already begun reaching out in prayer for such care from God through Christian Science, the divine law of God. Because I knew God as divine Mind, the source of all wisdom, it was natural to seek God’s direction about what to do. I saw strangers’ kind offers of assistance as reflecting God’s nonstop love and care for all of His creation. 

Alert that the physical picture of significant blood loss was frightening to these observers, I prayed to see that God was comforting them, too. That prayer was answered with a quiet certainty of divine Love’s all-inclusive presence and universal power. 

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