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Testimonies of Healing

Walking freely after fall on ice

From the August 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

While walking my dog one winter morning, I slipped on an icy patch on our driveway and fell face-first on the asphalt. I was able to crawl to a dry area, stand up, and walk back inside, but my wrists and knee were in pain, and it was difficult to walk, bend my knee, or use my hands freely. Even standing up from a chair was challenging. 

When the pain got worse later that day, I called a Christian Science practitioner to pray with me. A statement she pointed out in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy was particularly helpful. This spiritual law must have undergirded Jesus’ flawless healing practice: “Under divine Providence there can be no accidents, since there is no room for imperfection in perfection” (p. 424). 

In prayer I focused on spiritual truths such as my innate innocence as an expression of God, the certainty that God has never stopped caring for His children, and the supremacy of the divine law of good, which governs us all. 

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