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Why is Christ the Way?

From the August 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There is a perennial yearning in human nature to be and do better. We might notice that we have felt this impulsion more acutely when our efforts to reach a cherished goal appear to be failing. Then, we often rethink those efforts and do things differently and more effectively. This rethinking might further broaden to an increasingly selfless desire to find solutions, not only to our own problems, but to wider social problems as well. 

Ultimately, history shows that whether facing individual or worldwide crises, mankind is driven to respond to and resolve problems by establishing higher standards for humanity, justice, wisdom, and love. From the outside, these efforts at reform can appear like a David-and-Goliath contest. Evil generally presents itself as aggressive, deceptive, and fueled by a will to dominate. Goodness, on the other hand, with its kindness, honesty, and unselfishness, can seem ill-equipped to confront evil. A personal sense of good is additionally hampered by its own fallibility. Paul the Apostle expressed it this way: “The good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do” (Romans 7:19).

The value of Christ Jesus’ life is that it fathomed the full depth of this world-imposed dilemma, revealed the true source of the standards of justice and love for which humanity is striving, and left his invaluable example of how to destroy all evil for us to follow. He scaled the complexities of despair and delusion, the confusion and contradictions of a dark and dualistic, grief-stricken world. He knew his life’s demonstration of obedience to God, understood, would lead humanity to perfection, to the wholeness and purity of being we all inherently seek. He emphatically showed us both our capacity to apply moral and spiritual laws of dominion in our lives, and the necessity of doing so. He demonstrated the power of these laws and transformed human life forever through his remarkable healing and teaching. 

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