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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Look Around You

Look around you. What do you see? Table, chairs, walls, a window? Trees, park bench, cars? A huge range of material objects constantly facing us and apparently real may lead us to think of them as entirely actual, parts of our natural environment.

Sixty-five Meaningful Words

More than ever before people in the Western World are now experimenting with a method of meditation derived from a great religion of the East, Hinduism. Their hope is that through this method they will gain release from the stresses of modern living and discover energies within themselves that previously were dormant.

Man Does Not Fall

We do not have to accept any suggestion, ignorant or malicious, that we or others are in danger of falling, physically, morally, or in any other way. Rejecting such suggestion on the basis of the spiritual facts, we can avert any such threatened danger.

Neutralizing Violence

The author shares how we can help contain, neutralize, and eliminate violence by increasing our understanding of the Science of being.

Our Indestructible Newness

There's a saying: "Tomorrow is a new day. " That's only true if we first make today a new day.

"Remember what you are"

You'll be propelled out of any problem you may be enmeshed in by remembering, or finding out, who you are. Though this needs explanation, it is not said to be simplistic but to be helpful.

Mary Baker Eddy: Our Beloved Leader

Christian Scientists who were close to Mrs. Eddy loved her dearly.

A Christmas Message

During the winter of 1898, while living in Concord, New Hampshire, Mrs. Eddy called a member of her household to her room and imparted to him some of the inspiring thoughts that had come to her the night before.

Man's Origin Is Spiritual

In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy asks the question, "Can matter drive Life, Spirit, hence, and so defeat omnipotence?" Science and Health, p.

Scientific Identification

There's a scientific basis from which we can "put off the old man with his deeds," Col. 3:9; as Paul says we must.