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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Prove Yourself to Be God's Spiritual Idea

Tell a person he is spiritual and perfect, and most likely he will disagree. He probably believes firmly in the substantiality of his material body, knows he has character faults to overcome, mortal longings, moral weaknesses, and is well aware that he has lessons to learn and higher to go in the attainment of wisdom and the expression of goodness before the description fits.

Fear Has No Power

As conscious beings, we reflect to a degree the source of real consciousness, the divine Mind. And this Mind enables us always to think intelligently, fearlessly.

Safe When Doing Right

Does duty require us to perform tasks that humanity labels dangerous? Are the demands of our work in the "Father's business" heavy so that hours of rest and recreation are scarce and self-sacrifice seems the order of the day? Does there seem to be a penalty for doing right—for going wherever we should go, for standing steadfastly for Truth and obeying the Golden Rule of Love? It is not in accord with God's will that anyone should suffer injury or exhaustion while doing what is right and good. His will maintains the perfection of His ideas.

To Be Well Informed

It is not difficult to be well informed. These days relatively poor people in many parts of the world have transistor radios; while in industrialized nations, citizens are confronted with a wide array of magazines, books, documentary films, varied television programs.

Recognizing Good

We can't personally own spiritual sense any more than we can own daylight. But by using it we make it our own, and we can see with it.

Spiritual Feeling

Much of our life is concerned with feeling. We may feel happy or melancholy, at ease or very uncomfortable.

What Resurrection Means to Us

Resurrection is more than a single dramatic event in the history of one great man. When we earnestly seek Christ, the true idea of God, and strive to live in accord with God's law, it goes on daily and hourly in the lives of us all.

The Church Manual—Today and Forever

The Bible is largely a record of human consciousness yielding, the mortal belief giving way step by step to the spiritual idea. This spiritual idea, the truth of God, appears to human consciousness as a power working—a burning bush alerting Moses, fire from heaven confounding the prophets of Baal, Isaiah prophesying the coming of the Christ, "God so [loving] the world, that he gave his only begotten Son.

Closing of Pleasant View Home

Over the years, one of the most cherished activities of The Mother Church has been The Christian Science Pleasant View Home at Concord, New Hampshire. Established by The Christian Science Board of Directors on land previously occupied by the residence of our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, Pleasant View Home has provided a setting where elderly workers who have devoted their lives to the Christian Science practice and Christian Science nursing could continue to demonstrate "the natural fruits of Christian Science Mind-healing," defined by Mrs.

New Director of The Mother Church

The Christian Science Board of Directors announces the resignation of Arthur P. Wuth, C.