The reality of spiritual being is even now fulfilled everywhere.
Because this is absolutely true, advancement—according to Christian Science—is not the changing of thought from one mortal stage to another or the moving of people or objects from here to there. It's the blossoming realization that whatever divinely exists is—that whatever is spiritually true is neither coming into being nor fading out from being. These apparently ethereal assertions have practical consequences for mankind.
The teachings of Christian Science are unique, radical. To admit and prove them we need a radical openness of thought. We don't advance by timidly leaving one foot in matter when our aim should be to stand, two-footed, in Spirit, Adopting Christian Science means rowing against the aggressively materialistic currents of some formal academic education as well as against the education that derives from the five personal senses, which would, it seems, instruct us (falsely) with more relentlessness than the most dedicated schoolmaster.