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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Spirit, the Source of Supply

Whatever one's needs may seem to be, it is Spirit that will supply them, not matter. Do they seem to be for food, housing, clothing, transportation, education, reasonable recreation, money to pay taxes? The spiritual ideas that originate in the inexhaustible divine Mind and belong by reflection to every individual representative of God take care of them all.

God's Healing Mercies

We can heal the sick through God's power if we consciously reflect God. That man always reflects God is a scientific truth, but unless we are actively conscious of ourselves reflecting the qualities of God, the healing work we do for ourselves and others will be more spasmodic than scientific.

The Metaphysical Basis for Overcoming Lack

The history books show that mankind has perpetually been plagued by problems of personal lack and world shortages. If we are confronted by them now (and we are), these are not new phenomena but present-day instances of mortality's first lie—finity.

No Separation from Omnipresent Good

Christian Science can show how to prove the spiritual truth that you are never separated from good, and that you're always separate from all that seems to be bad. This proving takes spirituality and humility, but your cultivation of these will enable you to start demonstrating in your own life that good is present and whatever would negate good is always absent, always nothing.

A Healthy Church and a Healthy Body

The work one does in preparation for and while participating in a church business meeting is not unlike what one needs to do to maintain his own good health. To maintain good health, an individual needs to guard his consciousness of himself.

Spiritual Premises, Healing Conclusions

The essentiality of founding our thought and life on spiritual realities was indicated by Christ Jesus. Doing so was a prime characteristic of his own life.

Spiritual Good Survives

A beautiful white peony growing on a pile of jagged bricks—the remnants of a bombed house—attracted much attention. To local residents of that war-torn city it symbolized the indestructible vigor of life and beauty.

Concordance Research

Progress in demonstrating the truths of Christian Science is inevitable if we follow our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy. And we follow her as we study to understand the spirit as well as the letter of her revelation.

Indispensable Books of Reference

On the shelves of serious students of Christian Science, within reach as they study the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's writings, are usually to be found at least two or three additional books.

Looking Behind Language to Spiritual Ideas

While things that are true from a human point of view may be expressed in the human language of speech or writing, or mathematical symbols, or whatever, divine Truth—absolutely speaking—expresses itself in purely spiritual ideas. These may be hinted at or conveyed in human language with magnificent beauty and clarity, as they are in Mrs.