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Keeping Our Conversation Holy

From the January 1975 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The power of a few words to do good was demonstrated by Christ Jesus when he spoke to those who were sick, crippled, and insane and they were healed. Yet it could not have been his words alone that held this healing power. If it had been, we could repeat the same ones today with comparable results. But we can't—not unless, when we voice them, they represent the same Christly thoughts in us that Jesus held in consciousness when he spoke.

Christian Science shows that the Master's audible treatment of the sick had this remarkable power to heal because the words he spoke were consistently based on spiritual understanding. They proceeded from his clear understanding of God's power and presence and the perfection of creation as the emanation of Deity. His words corresponded with his abiding certainty that man is God's child, made and maintained in the divine likeness, eternally displaying the qualities of Deity.

Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health, "Speak the truth to every form of error."1 And Christ Jesus did. He was alert to refute error and to speak the truth. Consequently, when a condition presented itself that needed healing, he had no special effort to make to muster the Christly thoughts and to speak the spiritually powerful words that would take care of it. For instance, when he was confronted by a man with a withered hand, it was natural for him to command the invalid, "Stretch forth thine hand." His understanding was already clear that in Science, man, as God's creation, is always perfectly whole. There was no obstacle to prevent him from immediately uttering the words that would rouse this individual to prove himself capable of stretching his hand forth then and there, "whole, like as the other."2

1 Science and Health, p. 418;

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