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This series gives firsthand accounts of how a number of successful Christian Science Sunday School teachers approach their assignments. It appears in those issues of the Journal not containing the quarterly "Sunday School" column.

"How I teach my Sunday School class"

From the January 1975 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For many years I have taught the eighteenand nineteen-year-old class. The class has apparently been successful to a degree, because it has always had a number of visitors, not only from neighboring Churches of Christ, Scientist, but from other religious groups.

The success factor seems to be that the pupils feel completely at ease and free to discuss any subject. The class is conducted as an open seminar in which the pupils are free to question and answer each other as well as the teacher.

Both in the class situation and out of it, each pupil is encouraged to practice being a Christian Scientist. Thus the pupil must establish his own discipline and systematic study, and account primarily to himself for his faithfulness to the teachings of Christian Science.

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