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See Through Illness-illusions and Health-illusions

From the January 1975 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Do you have a strong and healthy body? If so, you can be grateful. That is as it should be. But never attribute the state of your health to the condition of the physical body. Instead, reverse the process and see the condition of the body as dependent upon the state of your health.

Is this merely playing with words? Not at all. It is a question of true cause and effect. The body as matter, Christian Science teaches, is but the objective state of mortal, material consciousness, which itself is a sham—the false belief in a mind apart from the one Mind, God.

The matter-body has no life or intelligence of its own. It has no power to dictate the terms of health—which is an attribute of divine Mind manifested by man—or to testify correctly regarding one's God-given well-being. It can only express human consciousness. and the quality of this consciousness determines the condition of the body.

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