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Healing Self-condemnation

From the January 1975 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The light of the biblical statement that God made man in His own image reveals man spiritual and good, the changeless, sinless expression of divine Love's allness. This is the man we are in our true spiritual being as the reflection of God, Spirit. "Man's spiritual individuality is never wrong. It is the likeness of man's Maker,"1 writes Mrs. Eddy in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health.

Then why do we condemn ourselves?

Self-condemnation is an error widely indulged and is responsible for many ills until it is faced as an error and destroyed. This depressing belief has been educated in human thinking by materialistic religious theories, one of which is that man is a mortal sinner. One of the burdens of this belief is a feeling of guilt, penalty, self-condemnation. But the practice of Christian Science frees mankind by showing this burden to be an imposition, illegitimate, unreal, and by proving through healing illness and sin that man is the perfect son of God, good.

1 Science and Health, p. 491;

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