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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

The Christly System of Metaphysical Healing

"Why could not we cast him out?" asked Christ Jesus' disciples. They had tried but failed to heal the case of a young boy who was apparently suffering from what we would now call epilepsy.

The Christian Scientist Today

Are we victims of a worsening era? Many may believe so. But we can see through Christian Science what is going on—Truth stirring human thought to its depths—and can be hopeful and confident about it.

Man Cannot Be Mesmerized

Most of us steadfastly refuse to be mesmerized. We are aware that a person under hypnotic, or mesmeric, control may be made to believe almost anything.

How to Write for the Christian Science Periodicals

If you've been encouraged and healed by reading articles in The Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, and Herald, you may feel you'd like to contribute. Once you actually start writing you may find it's not as hard as perhaps you've anticipated.

Keeping Our Conversation Holy

The power of a few words to do good was demonstrated by Christ Jesus when he spoke to those who were sick, crippled, and insane and they were healed. Yet it could not have been his words alone that held this healing power.

How Much Do We See?

I have an artist friend who paints what many people do not see. The question usually put to her by someone looking at one of her works for the first time is, "What is it?" And there is no answer.

Centennial Observance

The centennial of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, is a milestone in the history of Christian Science, transcending denominational significance. This book has brought to human lives throughout the world deeper insight into man's potential, his true spiritual nature, as the beloved expression of the infinitely loving, ever-present, and all-powerful Father-Mother God.

Faithfulness to Truth

About eighty years ago Mrs. Eddy made a prediction.

Subordinating the Senses to Science

What we see and learn is partly determined by the instruments we employ. Relying on the material senses for information, we see a material world and a fleshly man.

Life Loves You

How has life treated you? Has it promised you much? And have the promises been fulfilled? Would you rate your life as good, fair, poor, or what? And what does Christmas tell you about life and about yourself? Well, whatever our concept of life, something happened when Christ Jesus was born that made a difference. And if we understand it now, it makes a difference today.