Resurrection is more than a single dramatic event in the history of one great man. When we earnestly seek Christ, the true idea of God, and strive to live in accord with God's law, it goes on daily and hourly in the lives of us all. "Resurrection" is defined in Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy as "spiritualization of thought; a new and higher idea of immortality, or spiritual existence; material belief yielding to spiritual understanding." 1 Applying these ideas to our own thought, we cannot fail to progress toward the attainment of eternal Life and enjoyment of heaven.
According to the Bible, the fleshly Jesus lived, died, and triumphantly lived again for our benefit. Knowing that he was the ideal of God, without sin, he resisted temptation and proved his sinlessness and immortality. We too can triumph over sin on the same spiritual basis, and rise out of even the worst conditions of mortality to prove our God-given purity and dominion.
The Master indicated that everyone must eventually demonstrate the eternality and perfection of divine being, but we do not attain this ultimate goal through sudden revelation. Rather did he infer that for humanity it is a step-by-step unfoldment, the result of gradual awakening from false, mortal belief to spiritual understanding— from the belief that life is material, subject to limitation and eventual annihilation, to the realization and demonstration that in fact Life is God, infinite Spirit, and man is His infinite, spiritual idea.