In developing areas of Africa, Asia, and Latin America interest in Christian Science is growing, but the need is to strengthen its indigenous roots in these areas of the world. The quality of the healing work being done by Christian Scientists in developing countries is arousing interest in our religion. In keeping with the healing goal of The Mother Church, "To strengthen the healing thrust of our movement, thus improving our ability to respond to the needs of mankind by spiritual means," this Board has set up a Fund for Developing Areas to further the progress of Christian Science in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
This new fund will provide financial assistance for the advancement of Christian Science where the needs and opportunities for growth in these designated areas appear temporarily to exceed the capabilities and resources of local Christian Scientists, or where economic conditions seem to hamper normal development. Assistance will supplement the self-help of those receiving it with the objective of their becoming self-sustaining. Priority will be given to projects providing the basic necessities for the study of Christian Science and for holding church services.
Each of the funds established by The Mother Church is designated for a healing purpose. Each is drawn upon to finance some phase of the work which The Mother Church is doing to make available to mankind everywhere the teachings of Christian Science—the Science which reveals God as infinite, omnipresent divine Love, the Love which meets every human need. You may channel your contributions to assist the growth of Christian Science in developing areas by specifying one or more of the three designated areas—Africa, Asia, or Latin America.