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Divine Service

From the March 1975 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Daily good deeds characterize the life of the true Christian. Under the guidance of Christian Science our daily deeds go through spiritual refinement and evolution. "It is sad," writes Mrs. Eddy, "that the phrase divine service has come so generally to mean public worship instead of daily deeds." 1

Daily deeds based on Christ Jesus' teachings relate not only to the humanly helpful. They are patterned not only after the humanity of Jesus but also after the divinity of the Christ, the spiritual idea of God. The works of Jesus, the son of Mary, were a necessary result of Jesus' expression of the divine nature and understanding, the natural sequence of his Christliness. For example, after three days of preaching to the multitudes, Jesus didn't dismiss them with the mere assurance that his words would sustain them both mentally and physically. Rather, although he had only seven loaves and a few fishes to start with, he saw to it that "they did all eat, and were filled."2 This was divine service, humanly practical and complete.

At another time the Master made it possible for discouraged fishermen to find their previously empty nets filled to the breaking point with fish.3 This again was divine service extending itself to the human need.

1 Science and Health, p. 40;
3 John 21:5, 6;

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