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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Resisting the Resistance to Truth

Truth is God, Christian Science shows, and Truth is All. Is it difficult to demonstrate this? Do we encounter some kind of discouraging resistance to our treatment of sickness, insufficiency, or unemployment that delays its effectiveness? It may seem to be so until we grow in the understanding and living of the equation that Truth's allness equals Truth's irresistibility.

Church Membership and Daily Defense

Sometimes it is suggested in a Church of Christ, Scientist, that membership should be open to anyone who chooses to affiliate himself with Science, and that if such a one is engulfed in sin of some kind, he can overcome it after he becomes a member. The question members need to ask is: What is the purpose of this church? What do we expect it to accomplish? If the purpose is only to please its members, and if the members expect only to encourage one another in their efforts to heal their own ills, the requirements for membership are largely a matter of compatibility.

Christly Love

Christ Jesus patiently prepared his disciples for the task of spreading his teachings among mankind. "I will make you fishers of men" Matt.

You Can Love All Your Neighbors

After standing for a few minutes in a crowded place a woman confided to the friend who joined her, "I've been watching the people as they passed by in the street and I must admit I find many of them quite unattractive. An hour ago I might have said that I love all mankind, but now I have doubts.

The Spirit That Liberates

Political liberty is important. It provides the opportunity for a vital sense of life where everyone is free to realize his potential.

Science and Health: Its Pure and Complete Teaching

From time to time we are asked about claims put forward by individuals or groups who maintain that their special interpretations of the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy are necessary for a full understanding of Christian Science. This includes supposed elucidations of and improvements upon the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

The Pathway of Ascension

In our true selfhood we are spiritual beings, reflections of the one Divine Being. We are not, as false, mortal belief insists, limited, physical creatures anchored to a material earth.

Now: The Time to Advance

The reality of spiritual being is even now fulfilled everywhere. Because this is absolutely true, advancement—according to Christian Science—is not the changing of thought from one mortal stage to another or the moving of people or objects from here to there.

Out of the Finite into the Infinite

When an individual begins to understand Christian Science, he may seem to be going through a grand transformation. Perhaps a healing has convinced him that matter is not as substantial as he thought it was; that God, Spirit, is really All; and that the term man does not mean a multitude of material personalities.

A Whole New Way of Looking at Things

There's a need for mankind to find a new way of looking at things. Here is a crisp expression of this: "When emerging crises first beset a society, there are calls to do a better job of following the ways of tradition.