Truth is God, Christian Science shows, and Truth is All. Is it difficult to demonstrate this? Do we encounter some kind of discouraging resistance to our treatment of sickness, insufficiency, or unemployment that delays its effectiveness? It may seem to be so until we grow in the understanding and living of the equation that Truth's allness equals Truth's irresistibility. Resistance to Truth is not so much to be wrestled with just mortally, and without Truth's support. We're helped to cope with it as we see it as an insubstantial haze of material reasoning to be outshone by the Christ, Truth.
Suppose we've been metaphysically dealing with some condition—seeming to belong either to ourselves or to a patient—that refuses to go away, sticking around despite the Christian Science treatment we've brought to bear on it. We'll quicken the healing as we slough off the belief that there is some zone from which Truth has withdrawn and which somehow includes a belief or a force able to fight off Truth. Truth cannot vacate part of its infinitude and leave room for error. Mrs. Eddy affirms, "God is All-in-all." With weighty logic she adds: "Hence He is in Himself only, in His own nature and character, and is perfect being, or consciousness. He is all the Life and Mind there is or can be. Within Himself is every embodiment of Life and Mind.
"If He is All, He can have no consciousness of anything unlike Himself; because, if He is omnipresent, there can be nothing outside of Himself." Unity of Good, p. 3;