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Mrs. Eddy's Inseparable Relationship to Christian Science

From the August 1975 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Who would buy a great master's painting and remove the artist's signature? Regardless of how beautifully an idea is expressed on canvas, a painting that loses the artist's signature loses part of its value. The connoisseur of art in no way worships a great artist, but he holds as tremendous a respect for the genius of the painter as he does for the masterpiece that has been produced.

How apt is this analogy to the Christian Scientist! Worldly thought would try to separate him from a deep appreciation of his Leader. In fact, there are those in the world today who would, if they could, separate Mary Baker Eddy from her revelation and yet try to apply for their own spiritual advancement the truths she teaches in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

When Christian Science is separated from the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, what is left has been devalued far more substantially than the great work of art from which the signature is removed. Such an attempt shows either ignorance or dishonesty in the thought of the one who would resort to it.

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