This title describes the whereabouts of the All-God. And what a happy moment for us all when we get our first glimpse of God's all-encircling, all-pervading presence and man's inseparable unity with Him! This glimmer of Truth, momentary though it may be, is a turning point in our growth Spiritward. That which previously was a beautiful theory then becomes a deeply felt fact—an inner experience that brings our study and prayer to life.
The Psalmist sang, "O taste and see that the Lord is good." 1 Once we have tasted— lifted thought sufficiently to realize and feel our actual life in God—we are encouraged and inspired to press on to a fuller and more demonstrable understanding of God's nearness and love. We intuitively sense that indeed He is forever above, beneath, around, and through—that He is never far off but is the very substance of our true being. He is Mind, Life, conceiving us as His ideas and holding us safe and secure within Himself.
When writing to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul describes the creative Principle as "one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." 2 The apostle must have glimpsed the fact that God, infinite Mind, pervades all space—even the space where a limited, material sense of mind, body, universe, seem to be. (This is very different from the false belief of pantheism that God, Spirit, is literally in the material universe and man.) Through the law of reflection man's true identity is eternally conscious of "the fulness of him that filleth all in all." 3