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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Saturday-night epiphany in the Scripture aisles

Ten years ago, you had to do some serious detective work to find the Scripture section in a major bookstore. And when you did sleuth it out, it was usually a shelf or two, at the most.

Excellence and mercy

As new parents, my husband and I were passionate about every detail of our first son's care and education. We had determined that violin lessons were a key ingredient in the development of his character and talent.

Editor's note: The Mary Baker Eddy Library for the Betterment of Humanity will open its doors to the public on September 29, 2002. We asked the Library's Chief Executive Officer, Stephen I.

In sum

Question: "If you were to take an orange, throw away the peel, squeeze out the juice, destroy the seeds and pulp, what would be left?" Answer: "There would be left the thought of the orange. " This exchange took place in a schoolroom.

The 1% solution for animal magnetism

Just one chapter, seven pages in length, out of the total of 700 pages, specifically addresses the subject of animal magnetism in Mary Baker Eddy's transforming book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. The importance of dealing rightly with this subject is in reverse proportion to the number of pages devoted to it.

Looking for the way to a long, full life

Steven Austad , a researcher and professor of biology at the University of Idaho, is confident that by the year 2150 someone will live to be 150 years old. Healtheir lifestyles, the promises of biomedical technologies, and advances in genetic research have convinced him that someone alive today will be around long enough to easily bridge into the next century.

Real motherhood—a universal right

God’s motherly love is reflected in us all— and is always available.

The Church Manual—and mailing funds

Over the last ten years, the Mailing Fund, a nonprofit Massachusetts corporation, has sent over 40 mailings to members of The Mother Church. Each of these mailings was, to one degree or another, critical of Church practices and policies.

Bridges built with trust

A Few Months Ago, the world celebrated one of the most advanced steps toward international unity in modern history. The euro, a common currency that unites the economies of 12 European countries, went into effect.

The pioneer's library

"My chapter" — THESE TWO WORDS , written by Mary Baker Eddy between verses in her Bible, give a poignant and powerful insight into her life. Her penciled note appears at the close of the Gospel of St.