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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Love is a mighty spiritual defense

Each time I arrive at my mainline train station on my commute home from London, the loudspeaker announcements ask us to take our rubbish home with us. All rubbish containers have been removed from central London streets, as well as from tube and train stations because of the terrorist threat.

'This age is reaching out ...'

" It'll be right along, " I said to a woman waiting with me for an elevator. She replied, "Oh, I don't mind waiting.

A book whose power touches the small and great events. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science and author of its textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, wrote about her book, "The fact remains, that the textbook of Christian Science is transforming the universe.

From its first issue in April of 1903, The Herald of Christian Science has been more than just a magazine. It's been a mission.

Because God is omnipotent ...

In the good-guy/bad-guy adventure stories our five-year-old grandson, Brian, wants us to read to him before bedtime, it's an unbreakable rule: The good guys always win. They may have to contend long and hard to outmaneuver the villains—and they sometimes have breathtakingly close calls—but the good guys never fail to emerge victorious.

Words and ideas that feed the world's hunger

In the late 1920s, my parents, then recently married, lived in a boarding-house my dad finished his law studies at the University of Geneva. One day, the owner of the boardinghouse handed my mother a small magazine in German.

'Come and see'

A friend just sent me his new address , and I'm pleased for two reasons: first, because the move represents a step of progress for him, and second, I don't want to lose touch. It made me think of the millions of similar messages that must go out every day to let friends know of a move to a new home or job.

To be as good as you really are

Her Words Came To Me Over The Phone: "Whenever someone talks to me about goodness and the importance of being good, I feel like I'm being asked to give up my individuality. " How much I longed to reach over the miles that separated us and hug this fourteen-year-old dancer.

That's Church to me

What Was I Looking For? A group where I could formulate ideas—whether those ideas were important or unimportant—and to strive with others for the "right path. " And what did I find? Closeness to people to whom I felt bound by common goals and experiences: local, national, international, universal.

Christmas and Christianity

At this time of civilization's development , and with the coincidence of the Christmas season, it is useful to think deeply about the place of Christmas in our lives and what it stands for in our practice of Christian worship. We might even ask, "What is the Christian's obligation to Christmas?" What is the Christian's obligation to Christmas? Does Christmas 2002 call for a new birth in Christian thought and action about the Holy Land and beyond? Could the gift of renewal redeem Christian doctrine, tradition, ceremony, and their practice at this season—and for all time? Christmas began in a land now torn and divided.