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Church from 30,000 feet

From the September 2003 issue of The Christian Science Journal

You view the world differently—more expansively and with greater clarity—when you're flying 30,000 feet or so above the earth's surface. Walls and borders disappear, time zones telescope, storm clouds turn into a carpet of whiteness, and the world's conflicts seem to dissolve into the curvature of the planet. But honestly, I never expected to see my Church differently from that height. That's what happened, though, the afternoon of June 2.

I'd just attended the first half of the 2003 Annual Meeting & Conference at The Mother Church in Boston, and was flying across the Atlantic to participate the next day in the final meeting of the three-day conference in Berlin. And somewhere along the line in that overnight flight, I began to feel, more intensely than I ever had, just how desperately our world needs the healing ministrations of Mary Baker Eddy's epoch-defining discovery—Christian Science. And how singularly well-equipped the Church of Christ, Scientist—the global Church she founded "to reflect in some degree the Church Universal and Triumphant" Manual of The Mother Church, p. 19.— is to care for those needs.

Our world desperately needs the healing ministrations of Christian Science.

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