The video opened with a sunrise view from a local landmark in Lynn, Massachusetts, known as Red Rock—a large rock that juts out into the Atlantic Ocean a few miles north of Boston.
described the special significance this rock has for readers of Science and Health.This is Red Rock in Lynn, Massachusetts, on the Atlantic coast of the United States. It is a beautiful meeting of land and water. Mary Baker Eddy often came here to sit and reflect during the years following her discovery of Christian Science. On this shelf of rock, she looked from the grains of sand to the horizon—from the immediate to the infinite.
Sunrise over Red Rock can almost be seen from Mrs. Eddy's home on Broad Street, nearby. In her third floor attic room she wrote the final pages of Science and Health in 1875. Some of the words came so swiftly that the pages fell from her lap—a record of God's revealing scattered around her. Some came after months and years of striving to translate the language of Spirit as well as a human alphabet would permit.