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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


MRS. EDDY leaves Christian Scientists in no doubt as to the necessity for metaphysical workers to be ready and instant in meeting the claims of error which so constantly confront them.


EVERY time the Annual Meeting of The Mother Church comes round Christian Scientists are eager to hear of the progress which has been made. A whole year of effort lies behind, patient, loving, consecrated effort—what has it meant for the individual, for the movement, for the world? A very natural question that, and one which every Christian Scientist with his own and his fellowmen's well-being at heart may readily ask.


I HAVE sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. " Thus Isaiah represents God as saying; and the entire Bible emphasizes this statement.


STUDENTS of Mrs. Eddy's writings who follow her instructions most faithfully, in the particular as well as in the general, progress most rapidly and find the way bright and the reward in terms of spiritual blessedness sure.


EVERYONE loves to have his neighbor think well of him. So much is this the mental habit with mortals that their lives are more or less influenced by this desire, which often assumes overweening proportions.


THE Christian Scientist is constantly affirming to his own thought the fact of God's allness. Christian Science has impressed it upon him as nothing else ever did, has taught him its value in the solution of human problems; therefore, silently it may be, yet with persistence, he holds to the basic truth of the Christian religion, that God is infinite—All.


MANKIND believes that experience is the greatest of teachers, and that from it comes wisdom. In Christian Science it is learned that, strictly speaking, divine Mind, through the agency of its Christ, is the only true teacher, and that true wisdom is a quality of divine Mind gained only through spiritual understanding.


PRINCIPLE is a term used in Christian Science for God. Sometimes exception is taken to it by those not accustomed to its use, on the ground that it appears to detract from the nature of Deity, that it tends to give the impression that God does not exercise the qualities which men prize most highly, such as loving sympathy, an understanding or knowledge of the needs of man, watchful care over all His children.


WHEN man s work has been viewed from a merely human standpoint, the reverse of truth has appeared and a large share of the misery in the world has resulted from a total misapprehension of what man's work really is, and of how it is to be accomplished. Although prophet and apostle had glimpsed the true concept of work, and although Jesus understood and demonstrated it perfectly, it was not until the revelation of Christian Science came to the world through our God-inspired Leader, Mrs.


PAUL, the apostle to the Gentiles, ever strove to convince his hearers, and the readers of his epistles as well, of his great earnestness of purpose in undertaking to establish in the hearts of men the teachings of his Lord and Master, Jesus the Christ. So imbued was he with the spirit of the Christ that he strove at all times, in season and out, to carry the message of everlasting salvation to all prepared to receive it.