Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.
THERE are few subjects of so large import to mankind as that which treats of the bringing of evil into subjection; and few if any are considered more universally or from more varied standpoints. All righteous men recognize that evil must be dealt with and subjugated if any degree of harmony is to be gained and maintained, and there are innumerable theories as to the way this may best be done.
HOW radical are the truths which Christian Science has revealed! They are absolute, unalterable; they cannot be compromised with in the slightest degree. Thus, when Christian Science declares that God is All-in-all, it means what it says, and nothing else.
OBSERVERS of the social order of the day are convinced that in all the relations of life there is a strong tendency toward complexity, and that, in consequence, simplicity in thought and habit is becoming more difficult to maintain. This condition arises from the involvement of the age in materiality; that is to say, from the general acceptance of life as material, as having its source in matter, as inherent in matter, and as supported by it.
THE nature of life has ever been a problem to mankind. It has been almost universally believed to commence at human birth and to cease or pass away at death; and always the human mind, so called, has associated life with matter.
TO the material consciousness there seems to be little else than that which speaks of and for self-seeking. The larger portion of mankind seems absorbed in seeking that which will in some way or other enhance the comfort, pleasure, power, and magnitude of a personal selfhood.
IN one of the most appealing lessons taught by the Master, the parable of the shepherd, he declared himself to be the "shepherd of the sheep," their guardian and protector from all lurking danger. "I am the door," he declared: "by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
WHEN Mrs. Eddy placed in our Church Manual ( p.
HAPPINESS is a purely spiritual quality, without a taint of the material about it. Everybody is desirous of possessing happiness; but many fail, either because they do not know how to obtain it, or because they are unwilling to follow the behest of wisdom in its pursuit.
THE efforts of evil to bolster up a bad case are proverbial. With the aim to deceive, evil sometimes even goes so far as to don the habiliments of good.
IN the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" ( p. 205 ), Mrs.