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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

To give The Christian Science Board of Directors more time for duties that cannot be delegated to others, certain changes have been made in the mode of conducting The Christian Science Benevolent Association and The Christian Science Pleasant View Home, which are two trusteeships formed by The Mother Church in accordance with Section 8 of Article I of the Church Manual. Until now, each of these auxiliary institutions has had a Board of Trustees consisting of the same individuals who are Directors of The Mother Church.


" BEHOLD, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear. " Wonderful words these of Isaiah! How near they bring us to God! Through them we are helped to feel that God is not afar off, but present with us, listening to our cry and willing to save us by His might.


IN John's first epistle he has written, "That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. " From then until now this united fellowship with God and His Christ has been extolled and much sought after, and multitudes of Christians have longed to see it sweep the world in one mighty wave of united understanding and love.


NO problems of theology have been more deeply pondered than the character of Christ Jesus, his relation to God, his origin, mission, and disappearance from human ken. Discussion has waxed into controversy, and many divergent theories have been ardently promulgated and as sturdily held.


MANY are the sermons which have been preached on the subject of unity among brethren. Countless are the Christians who have held such unity as an ideal which they have always been hoping might be realized.


CHRISTIAN SCIENCE is declaring to the world, with an insistence that will not be stayed, that there is only one real power in existence, the power of God, good. The material senses may persistently suggest that there is another power, the opposite of good, and many may believe the suggestion and become the victims of evil; but Christian Science, firm in the knowledge that God is infinite good, holds to the truth that good alone is real and good alone has power, thus giving the lie to evil.


THE student of the New Testament finds many illustrations of mental positions which when placed in juxtaposition form striking contrasts. An example of strong contrast may be had in comparing the Pharisee, self-satisfied, austere, unforgiving, self-righteous, with the Apostle Paul, humble, obedient, militant, but withal so filled with the spirit of the Christ that, in order to prove his discipleship, he surmounted tremendous difficulties while disseminating the doctrine of his Lord and Master.


WHAT consolation, as the old year passes away and the new is ushered in, to know with a great assurance that, as Mrs. Eddy writes in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p.


THE writer of Hebrews propounded a tremendous truth when he wrote: "For the word of God is quick, and powerful,.


TO determine the extent to which superstition has entered into the practice of religions among mankind is quite impossible, but it may be safely said that worship of the mysterious has been very common in religious beliefs and rites. Superstition is defined by Webster as "an excessive reverence for, or fear of, that which is unknown or mysterious; esp.