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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


The psalmist, beholding the wonders of the universe about him, and contemplating its great extent, exclaimed, "Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done. " Job was no less impressed with the extent and magnificence of the universe as he beheld it: "Is not God in the height of heaven? and behold the height of the stars, how high they are!" Yet, how limited the scope of their vision as compared with the present knowledge of mankind! Mortal man has long striven to enlarge his mental horizon.


Emerson , in his essay on "Worship," writes: "The only path of escape in all the worlds of God is performance. You must do your work before you shall be released.


Time is shown by Christian Science to be but the limiting belief in which all that is known by the name of human appears to occur. According to belief, time claims to begin for each one at material birth; and, according to belief also, it may or may not continue after what is termed death.


Since that memorable morning, nearly twenty centuries ago, when the birth of Jesus the Christ ushered in a new era for humanity, interest has never ceased to center about him who has come to be known as the Savior and Way-shower of mankind, by far the most compelling figure of all time. As to the circumstances that attended his humble birth, innumerable controversies have been waged; as to the minutest detail of his earthly experience there has never ceased to be the most careful scrutiny; as to the termination of his career on earth, many have denied the sacred record; as to the meaning of his unprecedented example, there still remains great diversity of opinion.


Christian Science is teaching mankind what "right reasoning" means. It reveals God or Truth to men, and shows how all correct reasoning must be based on the truth about God and about spiritual existence, which existence is the manifestation of God or divine Mind.


" Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.


All Christendom is agreed that Christ Jesus was by far the world's greatest teacher of all time. He is accorded this distinction not only because of the great importance of the message he conveyed, but also for his marvelous skill in setting forth vital truth so effectively that all having ears could scarcely fail to hear and understand.


After Jesus had been talking to his disciples of the necessity of their abiding in him. —living close to his teachings and keeping the commandments he had given them, even as he had kept the Father's commandments,—he went on to say, "These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.


As soon as thought begins to become spiritualized, the individual commences to understand that man lives under divine protection, maintained and preserved by the Supreme Being, whom men call God. The fact is illustrated throughout the Bible.


David sweetly sang praises to God for His wonderful goodness to the children of men and for the righteousness of His judgments, voicing acknowledgments of God's goodness not only for himself, but for all who believed in the one God. Jehovah, as Lord of all.