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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


WHEN Christ Jesus, repeating the thought and, in part, the language of the psalmist, declared, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away," he revealed to his disciples who heard him, and to their succeeding generations, two facts of great import. With impressive brevity he set forth in a single sentence and with perfect assurance the permanency of Truth expressed in "my words," manifestly implying its reality, that is to say, its stable, permanent, and eternal quality.


BY the recent decision of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts there is placed before every member of The Mother Church the opportunity to aid in quickly restoring our periodicals to their rightful position as auxiliaries for publicly presenting Christian Science, the essence of which is to be found in its purity and entirety only in the writings of our Leader. The claims of those who stood loyally by what they conceived to be Mrs.


A business man who is working out his daily affairs through the application of Christian Science, is sometimes tempted to think too much of the complex details of each problem, and not enough of the basic idea manifesting Principle. Many business investigations and reports are confused by a mass of facts and figures which in themselves may be highly interesting but which may not reveal the truth of the situation, for statistics and specific data, including examples, comparisons, and other devices of minute analysis weigh as nothing against a single metaphysical truth.


There is no more remarkable phase of all Mrs. Eddy's writings than the extraordinary manner in which, by sheer spiritual insight, she has fathomed the meanings of some of the most difficult and recondite passages in the Bible.


Technically , the year 1921 may be termed one of relative peace, especially if its events are compared with the state of the world between 1914 and 1918. Yet peace can be fully understood only by those who have found it for themselves in Mind, and may even appear to be continual commotion to others, for the equilibrium of Mind which constitutes both rest and order is not a static physical condition but moves and lives with infinite vitality.


Order is inseparable from law. So obvious is this that the two are always connected in human thought.


The one who is indeed "as a little child'' is glad because of Life itself, and the gladness cannot be measured on any human basis, for it is far more than a human feeling in that it is as calm and as real as the one Mind which causes it. Size or extent, as mortal mind thinks of them in terms of matter, are not to be thought of in the joy of true Life, since there is but one standard by which the amount of man's delight in Spirit can be judged, and that is the standard of allness.


It would seem that there is no harder task in the whole world than that of thinking in terms of pure Mind. Jesus of Nazareth, of course, succeeded in doing this: what are termed his miracles are the conclusive answer to any skepticism.


Many writers for ages have tried to depict life as it really is, without however, doing more than to represent their limited sense of life, their personal attitude toward experience, their human reaction at whatever comes to their attention. Are gloomy emotions, brutalities, and physical terrors and desires realistic? Are the depths of mortal unworthiness and stupidity, when set down in literary form, the basis for accurate conclusions as to the actuality of human existence? Could a portrayal of merely mortal living as altogether happy be, on the other hand, rightly considered to be realistic in effect by those who are seeking the absolute truth? Each critic of so-called realistic literature has usually formulated his own definition and theory of realism, until the reader nowadays may be puzzled by the many varied concepts when there can be only one truth.


Never has the skeptic enjoyed the opportunity he is enjoying to-day. To begin with, never has it been so safe to be a skeptic.