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From the January 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Order is inseparable from law. So obvious is this that the two are always connected in human thought. A Georgian poet, writing his famous "Essay on Man." emphasizes this in the now rather hackneyed line. "Order is Heaven's first law." Consequently, law without order would be an impossibility, just as order can in no way be divorced from law. Mrs. Eddy makes this very clear, on page 135 of Science and Health. She is writing of the miracle, which generations of theologians have described, unconsciously perhaps as the height of disorder, because in the words of Hume, they have regarded it as a violation of a law of nature. Mrs. Eddy saw clearly that so far from being a violation of any law, it was a demonstration of law and so she wrote, "The miracle introduces no disorder, but unfolds the primal order, establishing the Science of God's unchangeable law."

It will be seen from this that order is an absolute essential of obedience to law. Disorder in habits, in work, or in any material manifestation is not merely an indication, but a proof, of a disorderly mentality. This does not mean that the kingdom of heaven is the precisian's. The precisians, in Jesus' time, numbered the Pharisees in their ranks. The exact position of a phylactery, or a scrupulous washing of a dish, does not mean that a man is living in accordance with divine law. At the same time, a man who is living in accordance with divine law must be thinking scientifically which is orderly, and thinking in an orderly way, he must be manifesting order in all he says writes, or does. What the courts of law have agreed to describe as "disorderly"' is an indication of the triumph of the carnal element in human thought. What is known to-day as law represents the order of divine thinking, and so reflects the orderliness of Principle.

At the same time, scientific orderliness, though it demonstrates unity does not in any way exclude variety. The man who wrote "Order is Heaven's first law" understood that so extremely well that be said of the forest.

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