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From the January 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

During the period of each of our terms of office as a Trustee of The Christian Science Publishing Society, we have striven to uphold what we believed to be Mrs. Eddy's design for the welfare and maintenance of the Society. With the decision of the Court we cannot pretend to agree. It reverses what we believe to be the intention of the sacred trust we received from our Leader, and which we have pledged ourselves to defend. Nevertheless we are able to abide by the decision unhesitatingly since it is the finding of the Court which, as good citizens, we are bound to obey. And we have no difficulty in doing this, but only a deep sense of peace, because we know that Truth cannot perish from the world, so that, if we are right, our course must ultimately be vindicated, for Principle will overturn, overturn, and overturn, until He whose right it is shall reign.

To all of those who have supported us in the joyful work of carrying on our Leader's publications, we would offer our sincere thanks, for we realize that their support was given to us out of an understanding of Principle which never faltered, and could not be shaken. The knowledge of this will prove to them a reward which cannot be dimmed nor taken away.

Our Trust itself we are able to hand over in a perfectly sound condition. It owes no man anything. Its property is entirely intact. Whatever damage it may seem temporarily to have sustained has been wrought by Christian Scientists themselves, and can be repaired, for the outside public has never failed to support, but has rather grown in its support of, Mrs. Eddy's demonstration.

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