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Testimonies of Healing

During the summer of 1916...

From the January 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

During the summer of 1916. while working at my trade as a carpenter. I was struck a heavy blow with a hammer on the back of my left hand, and the bones were badly broken. The other workmen all declared I would have to quit work. I applied my understanding of the truth and tried to realize that man as God's perfect reflection cannot be hurt, and returned to work in a short time and finished the day. My wife was having Christian Science treatment at the time and upon my return from work I found a practitioner at my house and asked her to treat me. About midnight I awoke with a severe pain in my hand, and telephoned for treatment. Almost immediately the pain stopped and I returned to bed and slept until morning. I went to work as usual next day and on the third day the healing was complete, I was working on the top of a building and was able to pull rafters up with a rope, and have never had one bit of trouble with the hand since.

For this wonderful healing I am indeed thankful to God and I am grateful to Mrs. Eddy for her writings and for her untiring work for humanity. My wife and I study the Lesson-Sermons daily and are trying to live close to Principle. We have had nothing but Christian Science treatment in our home for nine years and have always found it able to solve all our problems. I am grateful to the practitioner who so lovingly helped me over the rough places.—

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