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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science came to me...

From the January 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science came to me after I had made an earnest search in the Bible to find an explanation of the healing work of Jesus and his disciples and the early Christians. I knew that the answer was specifically given in the sixth chapter of John's gospel, where Jesus pointed his disciples away from matter to Spirit as the source of life, but not until "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy was placed in my hands was the science of the Bible explained so clearly that I was enabled to see conclusively the nothingness of matter, and that, as Mrs. Eddy tells us on page xi of the Preface to Science and Health. "The physical healing of Christian Science results now, as in Jesus' time, from the operation of divine Principle, before which sin and disease lose their reality in human consciousness and disappear as naturally and as necessarily as darkness gives place to light and sin to reformation." The effect of this revelation to me has been an uplifted outlook, a broader mental horizon, and a more spiritual concept of life, followed by many physical healings and the overcoming of material conditions which without Christian Science would have seemed insurmountable. Severe headaches, tonsillitis, bowel trouble, indigestion, insomnia, catarrh, mental depression, all have gradually disappeared because of the understanding, as taught in Christian Science, that they were never a part of God's perfect plan and hence never had a real existence.

Early in my experience in Christian Science I met with an accident in which the bones of my right ankle were so badly broken that three physicians told me I could never again bear my weight upon this foot while walking. Through correct thinking, as taught in Christian Science, I was enabled to walk for several miles, without any material support within a year of the accident. For many years I was tormented with a superstitious dread of some imaginary impending evil which seemed to be continually hanging over me, often forcing me away from a right activity. This belief was overcome in Christian Science, as was also the delusion of frightful nightmares.

My future was a constant worry to me until I learned that divine Principle is my infinite supply and that I live in the eternal now. Instead of a doleful record of living, which covered a long period of years, I am learning to say with the psalmist, "Sing praises to God, sing praises." Realizing the blessing Christian Science has been to me I can express my gratitude in no other way than in a greater endeavor to live all that it teaches. I am grateful for Mrs. Eddy's untiring effort that humanity might profit by her great discovery, and for all the institutions which she founded. To tell why I am glad for Christian Science would be equal to an attempt to tell why I am glad that the sun shines after a night of storm and darkness. It shines, and I know I am glad Even so Christian Science has come into my life and I know that it blesses me and all mankind.—

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