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Testimonies of Healing

I Feel glad to express my deep...

From the January 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I Feel glad to express my deep gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me. It is now teen years since I first heard about it through a friend who took me to a Sunday service. The subject of the Lesson-Sermon was "God." I shall never forget it. It seemed to me that here I must find what I had always longed for. From childhood I had been interested in religion but I felt always a blank somewhere within me. There was a time when I could not go to any church because it seemed to me that I and all the rest were hypocrites. My cry night and day was. "My God do not leave me alone." And He did not. I began anew to seek the church and to study my Bible but only reading the things I could understand. I was not happy. I always fell that I was in darkness. Then I heard about Christian Science. I went to the service of a Christian Science society; and from that day I left the denominational church. I borrowed some periodicals, and after having read them I felt I had to read the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. I borrowed it and for a fortnight I spent all the time I could spare in studying it. Then I knew I must own it and I bought a copy. As I read I felt more and more happiness and I thought: If what this book is telling me is true, then my life must be filled with joy and peace and health and I shall also be able to help my suffering fellow men. Words can not express my gratitude for what Christian Science has been to me. My highest desire is to prove it in my daily living.

From childhood I was very delicate and later had to take medicine most of the year to be able to perform my work as a teacher. For many years Christian Science has been my only medicine. It has shown me how to read the Bible in a practical manner and has been my only help in solving every problem. I have learned that nothing is too little or too great for God. I suffered very much from headache and was really never without it. I asked for treatment and was instantaneously healed and have never had it since. I have been healed of influenza; blood poisoning in a finger was healed in three days, and inflammation in the jaws in eight days. Whatever needs may arise I am sure they will be met if I am clear enough to see man as God's own perfect child. Christian Science has been a great advantage in my work as a teacher, I have the privilege of being a member of The Mother Church in Boston, and my highest desire is to be a worthy member. I am also very grateful for the periodicals; they are a great help to me. In times of discouragement I always find something that meets my need. Next to God my gratitude is due to our Leader. Mary Baker Eddy, for what she has done for mankind.—

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