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From the January 1923 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The absolute nature of Christian Science distinguishes it from all other systems of religion and philosophy. Other systems theorize about Deity; Christian Science tells the truth about God. There is no uncertainty at all in the teachings of Christian Science about the Divine Being; these teachings are precise, certain, unequivocal, absolute. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" are the words of the First Commandment, which Christian Science accepts unreservedly, because underlying its teachings is the understanding that God is One; that God alone exists and is the only source or cause of all that has real being. In Christian Science there is no longer uncertainty with regard to the nature of God. Christian Science reveals God as the divine Principle of being—so clearly, so unambiguously, that all who earnestly and honestly desire can become instructed in the knowledge of absolute Truth.

Sometimes the Christian Scientist comes in touch with those who fain would have him leave his absolute standpoint to wander once again in the devious bypaths of ancient or modern philosophy. Would it not be interesting, they perhaps say, to have Plato's endeavor to "ascertain and establish the objectivity of truth, a realm of knowledge that is independent of sensuous perception, that is immanent to thought," or Hegel's attempt to explain "the absolute" in terms of "process, explication of differences and antitheses," compared with Christian Science? But would such comparisons be of much value? They would very largely be a waste of time; because, be the study of these and other attempts of philosophy to solve the problem of Divine Being ever so interesting from the human point of view, they dwindle into insignificance when one becomes acquainted with the great fundamental truths of Christian Science. Moreover, what have these humanly evolved systems of thought done for the saving of the world? Has a single one of them shown how to heal the sick and the sinning as Jesus did in his day, and as Christian Science is doing in ours? And if not, then what men require more than anything else is positive knowledge of absolute Truth, which will enable them to heal themselves and to help others to do likewise; and that positive and absolute knowledge Christian Science alone can give.

On page 99 of "Miscellaneous Writings" the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy, says: "Science is absolute and final. It is revolutionary in its very nature; for it upsets all that is not upright. It annuls false evidence, and saith to the five material senses, 'Having eyes ye see not, and ears ye hear not; neither can you understand.' To weave one thread of Science through the looms of time, is a miracle in itself." That is how Mrs. Eddy estimates Christian Science. It is absolute; it is revolutionary; it upsets all unrighteous thinking; it neutralizes false evidence by utterly denying the testimony of the five material senses; its demonstration is nothing short of miraculous, to human sense. Christian Science thus stands alone, by itself,—one with the spiritualized consciousness of patriarch and prophet of the distant past, one with the Christianity of Christ Jesus and the early Apostolic Church, bearing living witness in the world to-day to absolute Truth and its demonstration.

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