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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science was first presented...

From the January 1923 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science was first presented to me at a time when I was weary and heavy-laden with worry over the physical condition of a member of my family. I was invited to attend a Wednesday evening service in the Christian Science church: and, like one grasping at a straw in his extremity, I was ready and willing to turn to anything that offered relief. I did not, however, find Christian Science a straw, a broken reed, but a solid foundation and the rock of salvation for me and mine.

I shall never forget the first service I attended. It was in a little church where only a few people were gathered; and as I sat there waiting for that service to begin a wonderful sense of peace and quiet came to me. I realize now that that peace was the Christ-spirit reflected by that little congregation; and it had healed me before a word had been spoken. How short that service seemed to me! At the close of the meeting the thought came, How I wish I might stay in the church forever! I longed to stay where I had found peace; but I went home with hope and encouragement, and found by my study of the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, which I took up, that I could be in the true Church always—in the understanding of Truth and Love. I did not necessarily have to be in a church building; but whenever my thoughts were dwelling in the consciousness of Truth, knowing the truth about God and man, and also in the consciousness of love for my fellow-man, I was at peace; and this was the peace which Jesus spoke of when he said, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you." This understanding of true peace has healed me of worry, discouragement, doubt, and fear.

I am grateful for this opportunity of relating a healing I had a few years ago. It has been a helpful lesson to me. When the influenza epidemic first began its havoc of fear, my husband, son, and I myself were all stricken with this sickness. My husband was not at that time depending wholly on Christian Science for his every need; and so he called a physician. The boy and I had Christian Science treatment. The one who was under medical treatment was sick longer, had many after effects of the disease for months, and was filled with doubt and fear of everything he did; while the ones depending entirely on God found that "the word of God is quick, and powerful." Although error tried to do its worst in fast and furious ways, every claim of mortal mind was vanquished by Truth. When breathing was difficult and the pain severe, these words from a loved hymn kept coming to my thought:—

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