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Testimonies of Healing

It is nearly nineteen years since I...

From the January 1923 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is nearly nineteen years since I first turned to Christian Science for help, in a time of great need. I can never be grateful enough that I was led to take this step. It was a turning point in my life; and the study of Christian Science reconciled me to God, by explaining away the false teaching which had led me into doubt and unbelief. I have had much physical healing. From being especially delicate in health, and a frequent sufferer from pain, I have been strong and well for all these years, any discordant condition which may have come up having been met and overcome in Christian Science.

Before I knew of Christian Science, I had sciatica in such a severe form that the doctors said it would be chronic, and that I should never be altogether free from it. For three years this proved to be the case. Fatigue of any kind, as well as changes of temperature, would be sure to bring it on; and every two or three months I used to have what I called a three days' attack, when the pain would be very severe. I had one of these bad attacks a few months after I had begun the study of Christian Science and when I was temporarily working by myself, the practitioner who had been helping me for a more serious physical trouble having stopped doing so for a short time. I had suffered a great deal of pain all day; and late in the evening it occurred to me that I ought to put into practice what I knew of Christian Science, and try to overcome this attack of sciatica. So I treated myself as well as I knew how, for about a quarter of an hour. When I had finished, the pain was just as severe; but I said to myself, "Well, I have done the best I know, and now I will leave it to God." When I awoke the next morning, my first thought was about sciatica. I moved cautiously, but there was no pain; I moved more energetically, and still no pain. I got out of bed, and had no pain. With a flood of gratitude I realized that the healing work was done; but it was six months later, when I was climbing hills in Wales, that it dawned upon me that I had never had a sign of sciatica since that day; nor have I since. The Truth-healing had been instantaneous and permanent.

Is it any wonder that for this and many other blessings—mental, moral, and physical—my heart is full of gratitude to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, and for the practical teaching which is enabling her followers to understand and apply to themselves and others the promise of Christ Jesus, the Way-shower, when he said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"? —

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