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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

"...the most important thing is spiritual growth"

It's not always easy to explain convictions that are different from conventional wisdom. When they're convictions about things of Spirit, about reality that isn't perceivable to the physical senses, there's an added challenge.

Is Christian Science a cult?

My sister-in-law had an abiding faith in God. At first, though, she was suspicious of Christian Science.

Forgiving one another

Does it seem at times that there are some lessons we never stop learning? Like forgiveness. Forgiveness is surely one of the more important life lessons that most of us have ample opportunity to practice.

Good morning!

The author notes the refreshing nature of prayer and shows how uplifted thought brings vibrancy, zest, and intelligence to our experience.

Finding calm and safety

Are you longing for greater peace? It’s so natural to commit to expressing God's goodness and love rather than looking for happiness or security in materiality.

"Thy kingdom come"

When Christ Jesus started his public ministry, he said to the people, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. " Matt.

The original way of Christian healing

In some respects, the original way of Christian healing is so direct and simple we might not recognize it at first. Thinking it must be difficult, we may find ourselves trying to intellectualize it.

From physics to metaphysics—a journey for spiritual pioneers

It was our daughter's first day of school. Bravely clutching her new red lunchbox, she stood between her older brother and me.

For progress: pause, then push

• Tensions have been building between co-workers, and neither of them is taking steps to change the situation. • There has been a controversial proposal before the planning commission in one woman's community, and it troubles her.

First day

What if your church had no history? What if today were its first day? Just think how eager you'd be to tell the world that God's truth makes people free. Free to be themselves as God created them.