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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

"Jewels in the house of God"

The Stained-Glass Windows of Chartres Cathedral in France are made of simple materials—river sand, beechwood potash, and metal oxides for color. Yet they're resplendent beyond description.

Getting rid of self-condemnation

A friend made what she believed to be a routine correction to an electronic document prior to having it sent to a company's clientele. She didn't notice, as she should have, that in the process of making the correction, the word processing program deleted text from a different portion of the same document.

Leaning on infinite Love

Finding what we can reliably depend on in life sometimes involves acting counter to our most intense feelings. An illustration comes to mind from my brief experience with rock climbing.

The Lord's Prayer and God's universal law

The Journal  this month , on page 5, features commentary and a review of C. G.

How Easter silences complaint

Some Observers Say we've become "a culture of complaint. " They say we actually enjoy pointing an accusatory finger at each other—in talk shows, Internet chat rooms, tabloids.

At First , one might think that any scientific textbook on health and wellness that's been around for over a hundred years would have little to say that would be a practical help to a modern physician. Yet, when it comes to explaining what effect certain kinds of thoughts have on patients—from thoughts that are harmful to thoughts that heal— Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy is timeless.

The right perspective on employment security

Perspective is so important to maintaining hope and steadiness in our lives, including times when we're feeling insecure about employment. Whether our uncertainty relates to the overall economy, or to our immediate circumstances, spiritual perspective gives us the courage and trust we need.

True spirituality—providing meaning to the sciences

I Was Searching through a pile of gravel along the roadside near our house. I was twelve or thirteen years old at the time and loved rocks.

"Behold, I make all things new"

Next month 's Journal will have a different look—what we've come to think of more as a renewal than a major redesign. We have endeavored to respond to your comments that you basically like the Journal the way it is, but that you welcome improved readability and illustrations that appropriately support the contents.

The logic of the virgin birth

A few years ago around Christmas, I thought it might be interesting to see how the unique birth of Jesus was treated in a general encyclopedia of religion. I had one on my shelf and began to look through the index.