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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

The healing word of God—quick, powerful, sharp

Here's a woman's personal testimony: "A friend of mine was taking treatment for physical troubles, and was reading the textbook of Christian Science, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

Late last year, Associate Editor Mary Trammell and Circulation/Marketing Manager Ricardo Saldivar traveled to nine countries in Latin America, representing the Portuguese and Spanish Editions of The Herald of Christian Science. They held twenty-nine meetings with Christian Scientists on the mission of the Herald, a magazine established by Mary Baker Eddy in 1903 "to proclaim the universal activity and availability of Truth.

When healing hasn't come—what now?

Dear Dr. —, In our March issue, we printed in our "Letters" column part of an e-mail message from you: I have been studying Christian Science for about a year.

Prayer without effect? That doesn't have to be!

Does everything have a drawback? Within the briefest time period I experienced the following three situations: 1. A bank employee, in telling someone about investments, concluded her generally very positive remarks with the sentence "The problem with this way of investing is that it can't predict the market course.

Jesus and crowd control

Jesus was masterful at crowd control. He needed to be.

Does God give us free will?

It has often been said that God gives us free will—which is usually thought of as a will of our own that allows us the liberty to choose either good or evil. But what does God actually give us? In human experience it certainly seems that we each have a will of our own, and that we begin to assert it at a very early age.

Collisions of galaxies and lives

One of the more remarkable images transferred back to Earth recently by the Hubble Space Telescope pictured the awesome collision of two enormous galaxies. As one newspaper account noted: "Images of two huge galaxies colliding in a caldron of violence spawning thousands of stars, some say, offer a preview of what might be in store for the Earth's own Milky Way.

New womanhood— and manhood

"God opened a door for me," Liz Lopez Spence says. As pastor of the second-largest United Methodist church in Minnesota, Spence is one of the small percentage of women in the United States who have reached the top ranks in the ministry.

Babes in the arms of Love

The natural desire of parents to provide a nurturing environment for their children's development is seen in the way a mother, with words of comfort and love, tenderly cradles an infant in her arms. But parents themselves can also feel the need of love and comfort—and of guidance, too—in nurturing their parenting abilities.

A way out of the wilderness

At first, two stories that appeared in the same issue of a weekly newsmagazine looked as different as night and day. One told of the Caribbean island of Montserrat, gradually being buried by volcanic ash.