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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

The cross, the crown—and the year 2000

Tick, tick, tick. Every moment of every day they say, the countdown toward millennium goes on.

"Deliver us from evil"

There are thousands of people who, along with you, are reading this month's issue of The Christian Science Journal. Each of us looking on this page is surely individual—we live in different countries, have different backgrounds, have different appearances.

Sacrifice, blessing, and progress

My friend was telling me what a difficult year he was having. He felt he had been forced by circumstances—or maybe by God (he wasn't sure)—to give up so much.

The educational system of The Mother Church

Many a mother yearns for her children to have access to quality education—education that will prepare them to develop their full potential for good citizenship and productive, satisfying living. Such an education, of course, should be available and accessible to every child — indeed, to all the world's citizens, whatever their age.

Inclusive prayer

It's no fun being left out. It's no fun being excluded —from a club or a party or just a conversation.

Breaking the grip of mesmerism

When Franz Anton Mesmer began exploring the nature and action of the human mind a little over two hundred years ago, few people realized the significance of what would become widely known as mesmerism or hypnotism. When Mary Baker Eddy realized the nature and action of this mesmerism over one hundred years ago, few people understood what she was explaining.

Theology and healing

Theology is defined in one dictionary as "the field of study, thought, and analysis that treats of God, His attributes, and His relations to the universe. " Theology essentially concerns itself with the "nature and will of God as revealed to man.

The human mind is very much on the minds of researchers these days. It comes as no surprise that researchers aren't the only ones who are fascinated with the subject.

Self-government. It's vital to our lives.

Time, thinkers, and divine Science

My dad was a patent attorney. So it's not surprising that he often knew of a new product way before it was introduced into the market, and was champing-at-the-bit eager to talk about it as soon as it was.