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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

The hope of healing, the law of health

I thought how desperate he must have been. Did he have any hope at all left in him that he might somehow be healed? There weren't a lot of details in the man's story, but what he had been struggling with was obviously terribly hard.

Being there for your children

Psychiatrist Jack C. Westman, who has spent decades working with neglected and abused children, is preaching an offbeat message.

A new approach to education—for the safety of children

How can society most effectively combat the evils that threaten the development, safety, and health of children? Could it be that certain strengths lying within children themselves deserve to be more widely recognized—and that drawing out these strengths should be our aim in the education and defense of children? There are encouraging signs that point in this direction. One example of someone who has found a way to help bring out the inherent strengths of children is Valerie Hamilton, a physical education teacher.

Heraldry and heartspeak

It was in the green and beautiful North Island of New Zealand that a friend of mine learned a lot about what you might call "heraldry. " About heralding forth to all the world the good news of God's magnificent, healing love for each one of us—no matter what country we live in, what color skin we have, what religion we believe in.

Business and the laws of God

Do people's faith and their relationship to God have a place in business or on the job site? It might be more to the point to ask if the workplace itself can really do without a spiritual impetus today. Many social commentaries have lamented the decline in ethical and moral values throughout the decade of the 1980s, yet there are indications in recent years of a significant shift in business attitudes.

Unleashing the sower and the seeds

Show an eager group of students what a bountiful harvest looks like, give them lots of seeds, turn them loose on a plot of land, and what's likely to happen? Planting. And plenty of it! At least that's what one teacher assumed when teaching gardening to a class of elementary school students.

The gospel of Love—lived

Divine Love heals because it is pure good. Love has no evil element.

Understanding the role of church, loving its purpose

There are many ways of viewing things; perhaps as many ways as there are individual perceptions and opinions. Yet the law of God, Christian Science, reveals a uniquely spiritual perspective, transcending human viewpoints.

Face down the resistance

It isn't hard to imagine the tense atmosphere that may well have prevailed as Jesus stood facing the Pharisees. See Luke 5:17-25.

"Where do you go when there's nowhere to go?"

You might think there's nothing to learn from Chris Kitch about turning around a bad life, if you looked at the way things used to be. Decades of living on sidewalks and in back alleys; alcoholic; drug addict; three children; found unfit to be a mother; her children taken from her; shoplifting; time in prison; back on the streets.