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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Authority and healing

It must have been a remarkable event to have witnessed. An army officer had sought out a certain man to help him.

Is there a devil at work?

The other day I happened to tune in to a religious program on the radio and heard a woman telling the host that the devil had been speaking to her. She described the experience as the devil sending her thoughts.

Sermons: will they survive in the twenty-first century?

Sermons have had some bad press in the twentieth century. Some people tend to think of them as boring and preachy.

"Across from Christian Science"

Bostonians sometimes talk about Christian Science as if it were a place. Many of them associate it with the architectural complex surrounding The Mother Church.

Moral law—a necessity and a safety

At times, society's attempts to redefine basic morality can cause a collective gasp, even among the most jaded observers. That was very likely what occurred not long ago when the Internet edition of Britain's Daily Telegraph reported the views of a well-known church bishop who was conducting a series of seminars in Scotland on the subject of "sex and Christianity.

What Church is and where it is found

While I was on a recent trip to Boulder, Colorado, the snow-capped peaks of the Rocky Mountains were in full view during my early morning walk. Mountains have a way of attracting our attention.

God loves cheerful giving

I saw an interview the other day in which a teenage boy said that he was disappointed in himself for some of the trouble he had caused in the past, and that he intended to change his ways. It was quite touching to hear that he wanted to improve his life not just for his own sake, but also because he wanted to make his mother happy.

The Holy Ghost and healing

To those engaged in the practice of Christian healing, Mary Baker Eddy offers this encouragement and instruction: "Hold perpetually this thought,—that it is the spiritual idea, the Holy Ghost and Christ, which enables you to demonstrate, with scientific certainty, the rule of healing, based upon its divine Principle, Love, underlying, overlying, and encompassing all true being. "   Science and Health , p.

Rejecting loneliness for the love of God and man

The author notes that whether we are “literally alone or surrounded by others, our love for others—our words, our deeds, and especially our prayers—can make a difference.”

Promotion, Christianity, and Christian Science

One of the main issues causing considerable debate among Christian and other religious communities today is aptly summed up in the headline of a recent article in U. S.