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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

We have had the pleasure of perusing, in the Peoria (III) Herald of October 30 last, a lecture delivered in that city by Dr. O.

Do those good people who so vehemently oppose the idea of Christian Scientists making charges for their healing work, stop to think how inconsistent is their position? The argument is that because Christian Scientists claim the healing to be of divine origin, they cannot consistently exact remuneration for their time and labor. The minister is undisputedly entitled to remuneration.

We are receiving many reports of the placing of our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," "Miscellaneous Writings," and other books of our Leader in public libraries, reading rooms, penitentiaries,, jails, and other public places over the country. We are glad to know that this good work is going on; but for prudential reasons, and for want of space, we shall not publish in detail any more of these reports.

A notable event in the Christian Science movement will be the completion and dedication of the magnificent new church edifice of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Chicago. Sunday, November 14, has been set apart as the day for the dedication ceremonies.

Traditionalism , in religion and out of it, has ever been the foe of progress. So far as it has been able it has put limitations upon Truth.

The fine new church edifice being erected by the Christian Scientists of Chicago, will be dedicated with interesting and appropriate exercises in November. The exact date will be given in our next number.

Probation has of late years come to be one of the mooted theological questions. For many years after the Reformation, or the establishment of Protestantism, this doctrinal point, like all other doctrinal points, was supposed to have been finally settled, and all discussion of it foreclosed by ecclesiastical edict.

There is a growing and serious misapprehension as to the...

There is a growing and serious misapprehension as to the meaning of Section 12, Article I. of the Church Rules, page 34 of the Manual.


We publish some extracts from a sermon recently delivered from the pulpit of a leading Methodist church in Atlanta, Georgia, for the information it gives Christian Scientists as to the standpoint from which this class of religionists attack Christian Science, as well as aiding us in answering the oft-repeated question as to why Christian Scientists do not remain and work in their old churches? We would not for a moment abridge the freedom of the pulpit to discuss or attack anything it wishes, but we at the same time reserve to ourselves the privilege of expressing our regret that one assuming to preach the Gospel of Christ, — the Gospel of peace and good-will, — one occupying the position of a spiritual guide, should so far forget the dignity and propriety of his position as to attack, in an ungentlemantly, if not almost brutal manner, the purest and best womanhood. God pity such conceptions of "ministerial duty.