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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

From the writings of Origen, one of the early Christian Fathers, who flourished A. D.

The New Book

According to the announcement in our last, the new book of Rev. Mary Baker Eddy is in the hands of Mr.

In our December, 1896, number we published an article...

In our December, 1896, number we published an article from the Boston Evening Transcript relative to a decision or opinion of the late Rev. Dr.

The Lutheran Observer of Philadelphia, speaking of the large attendance upon the Christian Science services in the Auditorium of Chicago, mentioned in a leading Chicago newspaper, makes the following comment, which will be appreciated by all who are familiar with the method of conducting services in Christian Science churches: "Without intending to be a prophet, we are inclined to predict that this 'church' will be disbanded when it ceases to secure a popular and sensational pastor. ".

In our last number, we published the poem ''Himself,' from a printed slip sent us with the "Anon," just as we gave it. We have since been shown a poem written by Rev.

In our chase after "error" let us not run to such wild extremes that we forget God. Likewise, in our anxious looking for error in others, let us not forget to look within ourselves.

Word comes to us from the workers at Auburn, Maine, that they have placed copies of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, in the following Public Institutions in that vicinity:— Auburn Public Library, Auburn Young Men's Christian Association, Auburn County Jail, Lewiston Public Library, Young Women's Home, and also in the State Prison at Thomaston, Maine. They have also placed yearly subscriptions to the Journal in all of said places except one, and in this was placed the Granite Monthly.

Our attention has been called to a letter written by...

Our attention has been called to a letter written by Cotton Mather, which for uniqueness and as a specimen of some of the phases of Puritanical Christianity is instructive and entertaining. We do not know if it has ever been published, but we have assured ourselves of its genuineness, as hereafter stated.

The thought that God is a distant God, and that Heaven is "far, far away," is contrary to all the teaching of the Bible. God's all-presence and Heaven's nearness are the leading themes of Scripture.

We cannot read carefully the Scriptures without observing that success and prosperity (and by this we mean the true sense of success and prosperity) are invariably coupled with conditions. This has been emphasized over and over again in our Bible lessons.